Work Wellness: Crystals for Work Stress November 01, 2020Sara Todic You might feel swamped and overwhelmed, or like your cluttered workspace is affecting your productivity. Whatever the problem, work should never leave a negative impact on your overall happiness. There’s...
Modern Witch: The Rise of Female Energy October 21, 2020Sara Todic Lucky for magick fans and crystal devotees, witchcraft has entered the zeitgeist once more. While, for those most devoted, it never left, we can’t deny its resurgence in modern society.
Female health issues and crystals that help October 10, 2020Sara Todic While nothing can replace a visit to the doctor’s office, many women turn to the helpful vibrations of crystals to boost their mood and supplement their healing journey. From mood swings...
5 Crystals that will Improve Your Physical and Mental Health October 04, 2020Sara Todic As October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we’ve compiled a list of the best stones for healing. While not scientifically verified, crystals have more than enough supporters who claim that...