Crystals For Grief: 15 Healing Crystals For Support During Grieving

Crystals For Grief: 15 Healing Crystals For Support During Grieving

Grief is a painful emotion that transforms who you are. But with the help of healing crystals, we can learn and grow as a result of the changes we go through. 

The Five Stages Of Grief

The Kübler-Ross grief model involves five stages of grief and loss. We go through these five stages in order to process the loss of someone or something dear to us.

The five stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. There's no right or wrong way to go through these stages. We each experience loss in our own way and at our own pace.

Today we're not going to explore in-depth the Kübler-Ross model. What we'll do is look at the best healing crystals for grief so we manage to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Also, you can check out the healing properties of all crystals and their meanings, to choose the one that will help you the most

Which chakras are involved with grief?

You might be tempted to think that your heart chakra is the only one taking the brunt of the suffering. But when you’re going through these difficult times, your entire energetic body is taking a direct hit.

Each stage of the grieving process involves your heart chakra, but also other chakras. Depending on the stage, at least one other chakra is very active. The denial involves your third eye and throat chakras. Anger powers up your solar plexus and root chakra. The bargaining involves your sacral and throat chakra. During the depression, all of your chakras take a hard hit. Then, when you reach acceptance, your crown and root chakras light up as you restore the healthy energy flow through your body.

The 15 Best Crystals For Grief And Loss

The best stones for grief and loss support you through all of the five stages. They support you during the difficult times and emotional turmoil of the denial stage. Their calming properties help you navigate the anger stage.

With the help of your crystal for grief, you’ll overcome the adrenal exhaustion of the third stage, bargaining. You’ll find a healthy way to overcome the depression stage with the support of your healing crystal for grief. And then, when acceptance sets in during the fifth stage, your healing crystal will support you through the big energy shift of integrating the lessons you’ve learned.

We’ll suggest the best 15 crystals for grieving and overcoming difficult times, but in the end, your intuition is always your best guide. If you feel called to get a particular crystal when you’re grieving, follow your gut feeling. That particular gemstone is going to be the best crystal for healing you at that moment.

1. Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is a master healer and possibly the best stone for grief. It uplifts the lower vibes of pain and suffering and transmutes them into higher healing vibes.

As your energy is transformed, Clear Quartz supports you in making your way through each one of the five stages of grief. Once you’ve processed the loss and have integrated the lessons and new wisdom you’ve gained, your Clear Quartz helps you regain a positive outlook on life.

During your grieving process, you’re also very vulnerable to outside malevolent energies. Heal and keep up your spiritual defenses with the help of the Clear Quartz Healing Lamp. It combines the healing power of light with the high vibrations of this beautiful stone.

Use Clear Quartz to find your way back to spiritual and emotional balance.

2. Pink Opal

Pink Opal is one of the most positive comfort crystals during difficult times.

Pink Opal encourages compassion for yourself and others. It’s a nurturing stone that supports you to be your authentic self. Self-expression is an important part of healing your wounds. You won’t be burdened with what others might think as you process your loss.

With the help of Pink Opal, you can overcome anxiety. Like other crystals for grief, it restores your balance. It helps you recenter yourself in the healing high vibes of peace and tranquility.

3. Rose Quartz

Pink chakra crystals for grief and loss help you heal emotionally. The delicate Rose Quartz color supports you in regaining your emotional balance. It restores a state of equilibrium as you go through each stage of healing at your own pace.

Rose Quartz attracts unconditional love from your circle but also from the higher realms. You need all of this support as you process your loss.

Rose Quartz is a natural tranquilizer. It’s a powerful stone to keep close when you’re going through the burning pain of anger and the anguish of depression. Once acceptance sets in, Rose Quartz helps you reclaim your self-love.

Use the Rose Quartz Healing Crystal Set to regain your optimism and become part of healthy energy exchanges.

4. Moonstone

Moonstone is a powerful crystal for grief. It helps you connect to the healing and nurturing energies of the divine feminine.

This opalescent beauty will guide you towards the light, regardless of the Moonstone color you choose. It will restore your self-confidence and bring balance into your energetic system.

Once you reach the acceptance stage, Moonstone roots the vibe of inner peace into your energy. It helps you connect to the cosmic energies of the divine and your higher consciousness. You’ll come out of your suffering as a stronger and wiser version of yourself.

5. Amethyst

Purple crystals like Amethyst introduce calming energy into your chakras. Amethyst cleanses and optimizes your third eye chakra. It helps you see the truth through the fumes of anger and the shadows of depression.

You can also choose a Pink Amethyst crystal for grief. The lighter Amethyst color works to heal your heart chakra and connect you to the loving grace of the divine as you heal.

Amethyst boosts your spiritual and emotional self-awareness. It helps you heal by reconnecting you to your higher consciousness and authentic truth. Wear the Emotional Healing Anklet and step towards regaining your inner peace when the heartache is over.

6. Black Onyx

Black crystals were used in mourning jewelry ever since Victorian times. That’s because they have balancing and cleansing powers.

Black Onyx is a powerful stone for spiritual protection. It connects to your root chakra and grounds your energy in the healing power of Mother Gaia. She will embrace you like the loving mother she is to us all, soothing and comforting you.

When you wear Black Onyx you’ll find it easier to overcome feelings of helplessness and frustration. It’s a powerful supportive grief stone for every step of your healing process.

7. Malachite

Malachite is a powerful nurturing stone. It connects to your heart chakra. The gentle cleansing energy of Malachite helps unblock your heart’s energy center. It promotes healing by restoring the healthy energetic flow into your body.

Wearing the Malachite Heart-Healing Ring helps you with balancing big energy shifts. Once you go through the pain of loss, you don’t come out the same person you used to be. You become a new, transformed version of yourself.

What better support can you get than Malachite, a powerful stone of transformation and healing?

8. Citrine

Citrine is a wonderful stone for healing that connects to your solar plexus. It supports your inner strength and will ease feelings of distress or helplessness.

Wearing Citrine helps you put back together the pieces of your life after a great loss. You’ll be in a new and positive frame of mind with its help.

Getting back to an active life is also an essential part of your emotional recovery. Citrine improves your vitality. It improves your stamina and supports you in building new and positive habits as you turn a new page in your life.

9. Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is a good stone for achieving calm energy. It will help you see the brighter side of life.

There isn’t so much of a solid Smoky Quartz color, since it’s a crystal with visible inclusions. That’s what makes it such a powerful healing crystal for difficult times.

The Clear Quartz sections will transmute low vibes into higher ones. The darker Quartz sections will ground your energy as you heal and overcome adversity.

Keep Smoky Quartz by your side at all times when you’re grieving and afterward. Wear the Smoky Quartz Grounding Talisman to encourage stability in your life. It’s a wonderfully supportive gemstone that guides and protects you at all times.

10. Apache Tears

Apache Tears are small and round pebbles of Obsidian, a black or dark-colored volcanic glass. Apache Tears are powerful healing stones. They restore your trust in the grander scheme of things and support you as you heal emotional wounds.

Apache Tears help you ground your energy, which makes them great protection stones for grief. You’ll feel the loving energy of Mother Gaia wrapping you in her nurturing arms.

Obsidian and black or dark crystals for grieving help you restore a positive outlook on life. They are an essential part of overcoming negative emotions.

11. Aquamarine

Aquamarine is a powerful emotional healing stone. It encourages positive energy and restores the balance to your chakras.

When you’re dealing with pain and loss, your energy becomes much more vulnerable to negativity and low vibes.

If negative energy enters your aura, you’re likely to experience negative feelings, thoughts, and ideas. Your perception of the world around you will be colored by that negativity. Your perception of yourself and of everyone around you can be affected.

When you wear Aquamarine, you’ll experience true peace and quiet again. Wear Aquamarine bracelets and keep yourself safe from low vibes.

12. Opal

While Pink Opal is the one of the best crystals for grief, regular Opal is a fantastic support stone too.

Opal has a wonderfully calming influence on your throat chakra. It has healing properties that support voicing your true concerns and fears. That’s one of the first steps towards overcoming your grief.

Opal helps attract high vibes into your solar plexus and sacral chakra as well. It guides you towards finding the spiritual support you need when you’re experiencing loss.

If you’re feeling lost or confused, Opal helps you receive guidance from your spiritual team. It builds a strong line of communication between yourself and the higher dimensions.

With the help of Opal, you’ll remember that however dark the night might be, a bright new morning will always come next.

13. Apatite

Apatite has a powerful grounding effect on the energies of your higher chakras. It repels negative energy and supports your optimism during difficult times.

When you’re dealing with loss, you’ll go through moments of melancholy and even emotional despondence. Apatite will bring a wave of positive changes into your life. It will support you when you’re struggling with negative feelings about yourself and your chances at overcoming your issues.

Pain can transform a once upbeat and positive person into a sad and morose heart. Keep the Apatite Heart of Positivity close. It will empower you to remain positive in the face of adversity.

You’ll heal, grow from it, and embrace change with a more optimistic attitude.

14. Selenite

Selenites are wonderful healing crystals for grief and loss.

When you lose someone or something you love, you can get lost in a maze of sorrow and despair. You might forget the warmth of the Sun’s light on your face or the gentle support of the warm ground beneath you. You might focus on the loss and allow everything else to fade away from your mind and heart.

Selenite comes in to save you from the arms of hopelessness. An amazing natural cleanser, it brings back into focus the beauty, warmth, and divine grace of life that surrounds you.

It absorbs the negative energy within you and repels outside low vibes. With the support of Selenite, your healing will go smoothly. You’ll release the loss and embrace the courage to move forward.

15. Garnet

Garnet healing crystals are naturally in tune with your root chakra. They extract negative energy from your aura and guide your steps towards steady and grounded vibes.

Garnet is a powerful healing stone that helps your positive energy regenerate. When you’re healing, it can be a delicate process to build a steady balance between positive energies and negative ones.

Garnet attracts unconditional love, success, and good luck. It’s a powerful manifestation stone. Garnet helps you fulfill your goals of overcoming the loss you’ve endured. You’ll overcome inhibitions, doubts, and insecurities which could block the healing process.

The warm and positive vibes of the Natural Garnet Healing Bracelet will encourage your vitality and stamina.

Garnets will encourage you to take on any challenge and come out the victor from any situation, including loss. They also encourage the devotion, trust, and sincerity of people around you. Heal your soul and love yourself into a wiser and stronger version of yourself.

Get Your Grieving Stones Today!

We find ourselves going through difficult times more often than we’d like. That’s out of our control. But what we can be in charge of is our grieving process. Don’t allow your broken heart to take over your life.

Take a decisive step towards beginning your healing process right now. Choose the best crystals for emotional healing and start your journey of recovery. You can overcome these dark and painful times. Take a step towards the light with the support of your healing crystals for grief.

If you want to boost the healing power of your grief crystals, use them together with healing and cleansing stones. They’ll amplify the healing power of your grief stones. Reclaim your emotional comfort right now.

On the other side of all this suffering is a stronger, healthier, wiser version of you. Embrace this difficult situation as an opportunity to grow. Allow your grief stones to guide you back towards emotional and spiritual comfort.

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