If you've ever come across Azurite, you may feel like this gemstone is too surreal-looking to be true. Its dark blue color, often mixed with the vibrant hues of green Malachite, makes it a unique combination of mesmerizing sparkles and swirling shades. Its visual appearance is deeply symbolic of its powerful healing properties.
What Is Azurite?
Known as the "stone of heaven," Azurite has been cherished by many cultures throughout the centuries. In Maya culture, it was considered so powerful that only truly wise and highly spiritual people were allowed to learn about it and carry this beautiful crystal.

So what makes Azurite so special and coveted by gem collectors and metaphysical healers alike? Is it just its enthralling appearance or is it also its healing properties?
In this guide, we'll dive deep into the origins and history of this remarkable gem, and we'll go through some simple tips on how to harness its energetic power to support your mind, body, and spirit.
Whether you've been thinking about adding Azurite to your crystal healing kit or you already own one but aren't sure how to use it, this guide is for you.
What do Azurite crystals consist of?
Azurite is a copper carbonate mineral, formed when water containing carbon dioxide descends into the Earth and reaches underground oxidized copper deposits. Despite copper ore being abundant on planet earth, a simple copper carbonate has never been discovered in nature.
Without getting too technical then, Azurite is formed when the copper cations (positively charged ions) link with carbonate and hydroxide anions (negatively charged ions). It has the chemical formula Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2.
Azurite belongs to the monoclinic crystal system, one of the seven existing structural categories of crystals in the world. The crystals tend to be large and dark blue, often stalacticic and prismatic in form.
Azurite crystals often have a vitreous or dull luster, and they're frequently combined with Malachite, creating what is aptly named Azurite Malachite. Usually, these specimens have specks or stains of green, but these two minerals can also blend together to create bands or stripes. For this reason, gem artisans opt to polish them in the shape of cabochons or beads, so that these unique patterns can shine.
Other common minerals that also occur together with Azurite include the dual-colored Chrysocolla and the humble Calcite. Occasionally, these crystals may occur in a light blue shade due to the lack of copper and can easily be mistaken for Lapis Lazuli or Sodalite.
An important thing to keep in mind when selecting your Azurite is the sensitive nature of the stone. It's not a hard stone, which means it can easily crack. As such, it's not a very durable option for everyday jewelry. Also, continuous exposure to bright light, heat, and open-air tends to reduce the vivacity over time.
How has Azurite stone been used throughout history?

Azurite is one of those stones that's been used since time immemorial. There's no recorded discoverer of this stone, but its earliest uses were in ancient antiquity.
Azurite's name comes from the Persian word "lazhward," meaning blue, undoubtedly inspired by its one-of-a-kind azure blue color. It was one of the many stones mentioned in Pliny the Elder's book of natural history, where it was named "kuanos," which translates as deep blue.
During a brief period in the early 19th century, it was also known amongst gem traders as Chessylite, named after Chessy-Les-Mines, a village near Lyon, France, where significant deposits of the mineral were found.
In Ancient Egypt, it was—along with Lapis Lazuli—a sacred stone that was ground into a dark blue powder to use as a pigment in decorations and murals. This application was then carried into the Middle Ages and transformed into a dye for various textiles.
But perhaps the most significant role Azurite played in the arts was as a blue pigment used by European artists during the 15th to 17th centuries. The Italian Renaissance master, Raphael, skilfully applied it to one of his most popular altarpieces, "The Madonna and Child Enthroned With Saints," which can be seen at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
Where does Azurite come from?
The main Azurite extraction locations are in Australia, Italy, France, Morocco, Zambia, and the USA (Morenci and Bisbee in Arizona, as well as New Mexico and Utah). Moreover, the Tsumeb mines in Namibia have provided some of the most exquisite and expensive Azurite specimens ever.
What is Azurite worth?
Azurite can get a little pricey. A large, deep blue Azurite geode could easily cost thousands of dollars. Even a small tumbled stone can cost upwards of $30. Compared to more common crystals like quartz, Azurite is certainly considered expensive.
What makes Azurite valuable?
As with all crystals, the purer the stone, the higher its value. Azurite comes in many shades of blue, but the more striking varieties are always more expensive. Most raw Azurite pieces for under $100 will contain traces of Malachite. Malachite is far more common than its deep blue counterpart so this brings the price down. If the stone is flecked with lots of green, i.e Malachite-heavy, it could cost just a few dollars.
Azurite commands its higher price for two main reasons:
- There's less of it. Azurite is a rare stone and it's more difficult to find in its pure form than many other crystals.
- Its hypnotizing blue color. Simply put, Azurite is gorgeous. Staring into this stone is akin to a mystical experience on its own, not to mention when partnered with the spiritual powers of the mineral.
What are the Healing Properties of Azurite?
With its deep blue color, Azurite's energy profoundly resonates with the throat chakra and the third eye chakra. According to Native American tradition, this healing stone is considered a sacred token of communication that combines the mind's intellectual logic with the heart's compassion and loving frequency.
Physical Healing Properties

In healing crystal therapy sessions, energy workers often use Azurite to support those struggling with throat and neck pain, or issues concerning shoulders and upper back muscles. They also recommend this gem to those who seek relief from thyroid and asthma problems as well as for degenerative bone conditions.
Its vibration works at a cellular level, and many believe that it can be beneficial for the brain, especially those struggling with Alzheimer's or wishing to slow down the mind's natural aging process. It helps cells heal and regenerate, greatly accelerating the recovery process and encouraging overall good health.
Crystal experts claim carrying Azurite encourages proper oxygenation of your body and gently stimulates the release of toxins from the kidneys, liver, and bladder. It's a fantastic mineral to use for refreshing and rejuvenating the physical body.
The holistic community believes that its high-frequency energy might maintain healthy skin and strong teeth and support women through their pregnancies.
Emotional Healing Properties

If you're looking for a natural tool to help you manage stress, Azurite may be for you. While it doesn't substitute whole foods, exercise, and restful sleep, this tranquil crystal can help you find balance in other ways. It reminds you to take a deep breath and relax. It's one of the best healing stones to support you during times of stress and anxiety, or if you're grieving and mourning the loss of a loved one.
Like the gentle Aquamarine, Azurite's energy cleanses and strengthens your emotional body—it inspires you to let go of worries and nagging negative thoughts that linger in the back of your consciousness. It can also give you the ability to understand the root of your fears and phobias, so you can more easily let them go. Its presence may help you overcome behavioral patterns that stem from insecurity and lack of self-worth, teaching you how to love and accept yourself for who you are.
If you're striving to have a more mindful life, then Azurite can be a wonderful companion for your journey. Its vibration can guide you to be more conscious in everything you do—from your thoughts and feelings to your actions and words. More importantly, it brings these four areas into balance, streamlining your energy and helping you wield your inner power.
If you know someone who struggles with an inferiority complex or is a people-pleaser, consider giving them a piece of this beautiful indigo crystal. It might act as an amulet to encourage them to stand up for themselves and speak their truth without being afraid of what others think.
How does Azurite affect you spiritually?
As a crystal with a strong connection to the third eye chakra, the Azurite stone is an excellent option if you're looking to expand your spiritual side. Its energy sparks the desire to find your truth and align with your essence, motivating you to release old beliefs.
This ocean-blue gem may inspire you to become more sincere, more responsible for your life, and more trustworthy. It can help you better verbalize your thoughts, ideas, and emotions while opening your mind to new perspectives. Like Amethyst, Azurite can deepen your meditation practice as it helps you to calm your mind and go into deeper meditative states.
Azurite inspires change and instills the courage necessary to step out of your comfort zone. It stimulates a desire to study new and challenging subjects, and it enhances concentration, memorization, and the retention of information. It's the perfect tool to support students and all those trying to fit studying with other commitments.
Is Azurite a birthstone?
Azurite is not considered a traditional birthstone, but the blue crystal does have a special connection with those born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. It strengthens memory, clarity and all things mental, giving a Sagittarius some time away from pestering thoughts and allowing them to reflect on life, truth and ancient wisdom.
It's said to increase a Sagittarian's psychic powers, helping them connect more deeply with the infinite light within themselves. Azurite promotes patience, helping an agitated Sagittarius see through the physical illusion of the world around them, even if it's only a brief glimpse.
Some crystal experts insist that Azurite also provides additional benefits to those born under the sign of Aquarius. It's said to help them overcome emotional blockages, bringing balance and wisdom to help them slow down and take life as it comes.
Where Do You Put Azurite In Your Home?

In Feng Shui, Azurite is renowned for being an energy cleanser. If there's any stagnant energy stuck in your home, then this dazzling blue stone is the one to set things right. Place a cluster in each corner of your chosen room to energetically clear the bad vibrations. It's thought that this process may also enhance your psychic powers at home.
Azurite also brings with it an aura of creativity. It's a mineral that sparks inspiration, intuition and innovation. Not just the pretty pigment on an artist's palette, Azurite can be the source of spiritual drive to complete the masterpiece in the first place. If it wowed the higher powers in Ancient Egypt, then you can bet it will wow you too. Leave an Azurite stone on your desk, or wherever you do the most creative work, to develop a stronger connection with your muse.
Welcome Azurite into your home by placing it in your living room or dining area. In these locations, it will be able to soothe emotions in the family environment. Its clarity-inducing effect on the throat chakra enables you to clearly and concisely convert your emotions into words so that you can strengthen your relationships and deepen your bonds. Blue Azurite helps you channel the light withing when you are talking, and the people listening to you will notice. Leave it in a place where a lot of communication happens as this will increase the meaning and impact of your words.

If you want to keep your Azurite stone relatively private and use it to work on self-improvement, then leave it on your sacred altar. There are plenty of ways to build your own sacred altar, but if you don't have one, a quiet and private space will do just fine. This is ideal for if you want to use your light blue stone for meditation purposes. Step away from the stresses of daily life and take some time to reconnect with your inner world. Great wisdom can be developed from meditating with this stone.
Your sacred altar is also a fantastic place for if you're looking to experiment with your psychic abilities. Maybe they're just becoming apparent to you, or maybe you've known about your powers for some time. Azurite will coax them out of you and help you along your spiritual path.
Which Crystals Work Well With Azurite?
Azurite is a temperamental stone. Its energy is highly attuned to the third eye chakra, and introducing other crystals alongside it may potentially disrupt its energy. This would leave your Azurite stone working below par.
Azurite isn't the only stone that doesn't like newcomers. In fact, it can be quite common for stones and other spiritual items to take on a hermit mentality when it comes to crystal combinations. But that doesn't mean finding a partner for Azurite is impossible...
The best stones to partner Azurite with are ones that it's found with naturally. This is a good indication that their powers are similar enough to be used in conjunction with one another. Basically, if they're buddies in the raw, carbonate mineral ore form, then they're likely to still be buddies when they're separated. It's akin to twins separated at birth, held together by a psychic thread.
Azurite and Malachite: the dream team
This partnership also enables you to improve your communication. Azurite already gives it a solid boost, but with Malachite entering the fray, you'll be able to articulate your thoughts and emotions much better—even ones that are deemed psychic in nature.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Malachite helps heal the heart. If you've been struggling with heartache or deep emotional problems residing in the heart, it's likely that Azurite won't be focused enough to resolve them. Malachite, on the other hand, is an expert in all things heart-related. Bring these two stones together to release withheld emotions and free yourself from emotional torment.
How Do You Clean Azurite?

Cleaning your Azurite should be a task taken with great care. This soft blue stone is incredibly fragile—one of the main reasons why it shouldn't be used in jewelry—so you don't want to damage it.
To avoid scratches you need to take a very delicate approach. Wipe the stone down with a wet cloth and use a soft-bristled brush to gently ease out some of the dirt or grime that's found its way onto your stone. Don't use anything abrasive that could potentially damage the stone. Mild soap will work fine. Wipe the stone down again afterwards and ensure to remove all suds and soapy residue before leaving it to dry naturally.
Can Azurite go in water?
Azurite should avoid water. While it's unlikely to have an immediate effect, Azurite is a fragile stone and water molecules can make it inside the cracks and crevices of the stone. Over time, these can deepen the cracks and even break the stone. Don't bathe Azurite for extended periods of time.
Azurite: Find Your Voice and Speak From the Heart
When you're looking for a crystal to open your third eye chakra, the first thing that might pop into your mind is Amethyst. But even though the mythical purple stone is indeed one of the most popular tools to balance this center, it's certainly not the only one.
Azurite's essence can nourish your heart and give you the confidence to speak your truth. It opens your mind to universal energy, seamlessly connecting your emotional body with your intellectual side. Without a doubt, it's a versatile, soothing, and encouraging tool to include in your day-to-day life.