12 Healing Crystal Lamps That Will Blow You Away

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When you think of crystals, lamps aren't the first thing that come to mind. But maybe they should be. You can use healing crystal lamps to replace your ordinary table lamp and receive not only a gentle glow that's easy on the eyes, but a significant boost to spiritual, emotional and even physical healing.

Whether you choose a Selenite lamp, an Amethyst lamp, or a Quartz lamp, healing crystal lights create the perfect ambience for your room while doubling up as energy-boosting superchargers. Depending on exactly what you want to receive, we have crystal lamps for your bedside table, your work desk, or anywhere else in your home. Read on to discover the 12 best healing lamps—transform your home into an extravagant and energetic paradise.

The 12 Best Healing Crystal Lamps

The following healing crystal lamps can be used as table lamps or you can put them on your sacred altar. They're perfect for a home with a trendy, modern design, and a desire for more positive energy.

1. I Am At Peace - Spiritual Protection Amethyst Lamp

Intention: Peace | Spiritual Protection | Intuition - Our favourite - Best for soothing the soul and inner harmony

Transform your space into a healing oasis with the I Am At Peace - Spiritual Protection Amethyst Lamp. This beautiful halo lamp, with thirty adjustable light modes, helps soothe your soul, awaken your intuition, and instill a comforting sense of trust. Amethyst is known for its calming presence, bringing comfort to the mind, body, and spirit. Designed to symbolize the third eye, this lamp encourages a deeper connection with your inner self, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

The halo shape represents infinite energy, mirroring the boundless expansion of your spirit. To create a harmonious environment, place the Amethyst lamp near doorways, entrances, or areas where you rest. It’s perfect for reading spaces, offices, nightstands, or meditation rooms. Wherever you place it, this lamp will clear energy and promote inner peace.

2. Rainbow After the Storm - Clear Quartz Lamp of Hope

Intention: Hope | Restoration | Clarity - Best for overcoming challenges and finding optimism

After every storm comes a rainbow, and this lamp is a beautiful reminder of that. The Rainbow After the Storm - Clear Quartz Lamp of Hope is crafted from high-quality Brazilian Clear Quartz, known as the “Master Healer.” Its vibrant rainbow colors are created through a special Aura Plating process, making it a stunning piece that clears away negativity and fills your space with hope and optimism.

With 30 customizable light modes, you can choose the perfect glow to match your mood. The halo shape symbolizes infinite energy and endless hope. Place this lamp in your favorite spot—whether it’s your bedside table, meditation area, or workspace—and let it inspire you every day. It’s a perfect companion for those moments when you need a little extra encouragement, reminding you that brighter days are always ahead.

3. Infinite Abundance - Citrine Lamp of Manifestation

Intention: Abundance | Manifestation | Positivity - Best for attracting prosperity and joy

Bring a touch of sunshine into your home with the Infinite Abundance - Citrine Lamp of Manifestation. This stunning halo lamp, lined with raw citrine clusters, transforms any room with joy and positive energy. As the light passes through the powerful citrine crystals, it fills your space with vibrant, abundant energy. Citrine is celebrated for its ability to attract prosperity and wealth while boosting motivation, creativity, and focus.

The halo shape symbolizes infinite energy, reflecting the limitless abundance the universe provides. For optimal manifesting Feng Shui, place the citrine lamp in the southeast corner of your room, known as the wealth corner. Whether it’s in your office to enhance productivity or in your living room to spread joy and positivity, this lamp is perfect for any space. The Conscious Items logo adds a final touch, symbolizing the continuous and unstoppable flow of prosperity.

4. Golden Lamp of Wealth - Citrine Tree

Intention: Wealth | Abundance | Positivity - Best for attracting prosperity and joy

Brighten your home and invite prosperity with the Golden Lamp of Wealth - Citrine Tree. This charming lamp features a lovely tree made of Citrine stones, with branches beautifully wrapped in Copper wire, and it sits on a base of Clear Quartz. Citrine is famous for attracting wealth and abundance, making this lamp a perfect addition to any room where you want to welcome positivity and success.

The tree design symbolizes growth and stability, while the warm, golden glow of the Citrine stones adds a touch of elegance to your decor. Place this lamp in your living room, office, or any space where you want to boost the flow of positive energy and abundance. The Clear Quartz base enhances the energy of the Citrine, making this lamp not only beautiful but also a powerful tool for manifesting your dreams. Let the Golden Lamp of Wealth inspire you to reach for your goals and embrace the abundance life has to offer.

5. Find My Peace - Quartz & Tourmaline Lamp of Blooming Tranquility

Intention: Tranquility | Healing | Balance - Best for creating a peaceful and balanced environment

Bring a sense of calm into your home with the Find My Peace - Quartz & Tourmaline Lamp of Blooming Tranquility. This lovely lamp features Clear Quartz points rising gracefully from a base embedded with Pink Tourmaline. Clear Quartz is known for its healing properties and ability to bring clarity, while Pink Tourmaline promotes love and compassion, making this lamp perfect for creating a peaceful and balanced environment.

The soft, calming glow of this lamp fills your space with soothing energy. It's perfect for your bedroom, living room, or any area where you want to relax and find harmony. The gentle light from the Clear Quartz and Pink Tourmaline not only adds a touch of elegance to your decor but also helps reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being. Let the Find My Peace lamp remind you to take a moment for yourself and enjoy a tranquil atmosphere.

6. Manifest Success - Clear Quartz Lamp of Achievement

Intention: Achievement | Success | Clarity - Best for goal setting and motivation

Meet the Manifest Success - Clear Quartz Lamp of Achievement, your new partner in reaching your goals. This stunning lamp, crafted from high-quality Brazilian Clear Quartz with Aura Plating, fills your space with a motivating and uplifting energy. Clear Quartz is renowned for its ability to enhance clarity and focus, making it perfect for helping you set and achieve your goals.

The lamp’s unique design features an iron frame that encases raw Clear Quartz clusters, allowing light to pass through and spread vibrant energy throughout the room. The infinite loop shape symbolizes endless possibilities and continuous success. Place this lamp in your workspace, study area, or any spot where you need a boost of motivation and clear thinking. Let it inspire you daily, helping you stay focused and driven towards your dreams.

7. Rainbow’s Blessing - Selenite Tower of Peace & Protection

Intention: Peace | Protection | Clarity - Best for creating a serene and safeguarded space

Bring a sense of calm and protection into your home with the Rainbow’s Blessing - Selenite Tower of Peace & Protection. This beautiful lamp, made from Selenite with a Precious Metal Aura Plating, creates a stunning rainbow effect that adds a touch of magic to any room. Selenite, known for its cleansing and protective properties, helps to create a peaceful and safe environment.

The tower design symbolizes strength and stability, while the rainbow colors represent the harmony that comes after a storm. Place this lamp in your living room, bedroom, or meditation space to enjoy its gentle, colorful glow. It not only looks enchanting but also helps to clear negative energy and promote well-being. Let the Rainbow’s Blessing lamp remind you daily of the peace and protection it brings into your space.

8. Love Magnet - Rose Quartz Heart Lamp

Intention: Love | Compassion | Harmony - Best for attracting love and fostering compassion

Add a touch of love to your space with the Love Magnet - Rose Quartz Heart Lamp. This enchanting lamp features raw Rose Quartz crystals arranged in a heart shape within an elegant iron frame. Rose Quartz is well-known for its ability to attract love and foster compassion, making this lamp a perfect addition to any room where you want to invite warmth and harmony.

The heart design symbolizes love and emotional healing, creating a comforting atmosphere wherever you place it. Whether it’s in your bedroom, living room, or any space where you want to feel more connected and at peace, the soft, pink glow of the Rose Quartz crystals will fill your environment with soothing energy. Let the Love Magnet lamp remind you daily of the power of love and compassion.

9. The Healing Lamp

Intention: Cleansing | Healing | Protection - Best for health, vitality and strength

Healing Lamp

Made from the all-healer, Clear Quartz, it's no wonder that this healing lamp revitalizes your energy: physically, mentally and emotionally. The eye-catching lamp is reminiscent of a crystal point, but at the flip of a switch, it lights up your whole room and bathes it in healing energy. It accelerates your recovery from illness or injury and bolsters your immune system.

The Quartz Crystal Healing Lamp is the only lamp you'll ever need if you're looking to use it for healing purposes. Another great one for meditation, you can sit in front of this lamp, bask in its light energy, and visualize your health and vitality improving. You can also visualize your friends, family or even a total stranger to help them with their well-being.

10. The Natural Energy Lamp

Intention: Confidence | Protection | Calming - Best for self-belief and balance

Natural Energy Lamp

This stylish yet powerful table lamp contains 8 unique gemstones! Switch on its warm light to instantly create a calm atmosphere. Due to the variety of stones included in the lamp, it makes a fantastic aid for meditation. Turn the table lamp on to set the scene, get into position, and feel your energy naturally harmonizing with the room.

The Natural Energy Lamp can also be used to set intentions. Simply write a list of goals you intend to accomplish before the stones. When you're finished, slip the paper under the lamp and release it to the universe. Every time you turn your healing crystal lamp on afterward, you will be energetically reminded of your goals and receive a motivation boost to see them through.

11. Find My Voice - Quartz & Apatite Lamp of Blooming Confidence

Intention: Confidence | Communication | Clarity - Best for enhancing self-expression and boosting confidence

The Find My Voice - Quartz & Apatite Lamp of Blooming Confidence is perfect for those looking to enhance their self-expression. This beautiful lamp features Clear Quartz points rising from a base embedded with Apatite stones. Clear Quartz is known for its ability to amplify energy and bring clarity, while Apatite is celebrated for boosting confidence and improving communication.

Switch on this lamp to fill your space with a soothing, yet empowering glow. The combination of Clear Quartz and Apatite creates an atmosphere that encourages clear thinking and confident speaking. Place it in your office, living room, or any area where you want to feel more self-assured and articulate. The gentle light not only adds elegance to your decor but also helps to clear your mind and bolster your confidence. Let the Find My Voice lamp inspire you to speak your truth and embrace your unique voice.

12. Malachite Tree Lamp for Anxiety

Intention: Anxiety Relief | Emotional Healing | Balance - Best for calming the mind and fostering emotional well-being

Experience a sense of calm with the Malachite Tree Lamp for Anxiety. This unique lamp showcases lush Malachite stones carefully shaped into a tree, with branches entwined in Copper, all standing on a Clear Quartz base. Known for its soothing properties, Malachite helps to alleviate anxiety and promote emotional healing, making it a wonderful addition to any space where you seek tranquility and balance.

The tree's design represents growth and stability, while the soft light from the Clear Quartz base amplifies the calming energy of the Malachite. Ideal for your bedroom, living room, or any space where you need a serene ambiance, this lamp not only enhances your decor but also helps to reduce stress and anxiety. The Malachite Tree Lamp is a gentle reminder to take moments of peace and nurture your emotional well-being.

What Are The Best Stones for a Crystal Healing Light?

Some healing crystal lamps are better than others depending on what you will use them for. You could have an Amethyst lamp for your bedside table, a Rose Quartz lamp for your dining room, and a Selenite lamp for your work desk: as each crystal has different healing properties, you're likely to want a different one for each space. Plus, you wouldn't want a bright light in all three settings. For a night light, you might want something a little calmer.

This is why choosing a crystal that suits your needs is essential.

Focus & Productivity

If you're looking for desk lamps—something to help you concentrate— then you're going to want to use a healing crystal that provides this benefit.

The first natural stone that comes to mind when considering focus and productivity is Tiger's Eye. This powerful gemstone motivates and inspires you to achieve your goals. It's thought to attract success and diminish the chances of procrastination. There aren't many crystals that fill you with as much self-belief as Tiger's Eye.

Other solar plexus activators are also good considerations for anything work-related, but so are third-eye chakra stones. Fluorite in particular is an excellent choice for a new lamp. Promoting productivity, it helps to relieve stress and empowers you to focus on what's important, without letting yourself be distracted. It's our top pick for concentration.

If you're looking for mental clarity, stones that resemble clear glass are often great picks. A Clear Quartz lamp provides a classic look with the added benefit of being an intention-amplifying marvel. Clear Quartz lamps are growing in popularity at the minute, with more and more people wanting to access their healing properties at home.

Sleep & Dreams

Getting a lovely lamp for your bedside table can help improve sleep and reduce nightmares. Choose one with a warm glow so that it won't strain the eyes before bed. Some crystals can even help with becoming lucid in your dreams.

Without a doubt, Amethyst is the ultimate sleep stone. It protects against night terrors and increases relaxation before going to sleep. If you're struggling with insomnia, this stone helps relax your mind and body so that you can drift off more easily. It absorbs worries and lets you focus on comfort.

Labradorite is a fantastic stone for promoting dream recall and helping you understand your dreams. This multi-colored crystal balances your energy while you sleep so that you wake up feeling alert and refreshed. It protects you against negative energy while you sleep so that your peaceful dreams don't become nightmares.

Another brilliant crystal for dream work is Celestite. This stone is associated with spirituality, celestial beings and all things divine. It's thought to be a great aid for communication with higher entities, helping you visualize messages in a symbolic fashion. Celestite is the crystal to use if you're looking to the dreamworld for spiritual guidance.

Compassion & Connection

The perfect healing crystal lamp is one that the entire family finds beautiful. Crystals that bring you closer to your loved ones are ideal for the dining room or other shared spaces. These lamps often have an elegant style to them and an ambient light that promotes positive energy for all nearby. Crystals in this section put the "home" in home decor.

Rose Quartz is the heart-opener that everyone expected to be here. It's a compassion-enhancing masterpiece that works wonders on family dynamics. It enhances the love you receive and the love you give. This pretty pink stone has a distinctive beauty that makes it ideal for a lamp dedicated to compassion.

Blue crystals are thought to bring about trust, faith and respect. For this reason, Lapis Lazuli would be an excellent choice for a crystal healing lamp. Not only does it stimulate the throat chakra and enhance communication—a vital property for a strong relationship—it also opens up the door to universal truth, helping you feel connected to the universe as a whole.

Angelite is a fascinating gemstone that would fit into this category perfectly too. It elevates feelings of compassion and helps you understand your loved ones with more clarity. It encourages you and your loved ones to speak truth and to accept each other fully. This awareness-raising crystal bleeds compassion.

Are Healing Crystal Lamps Out Of Style? 

Healing crystal lamps can never go out of style. There are so many different designs to choose from, different crystals to use, different ways you can use them. The possibilities are endless! Your quartz lamp cleanses your surroundings now and it will continue to do so in 5, 10, 15 years time, so long as it's well looked after. The same goes for your Agate lamp or your Rose Quartz light or any other natural stone lamp.

When you're thinking about crystals, remember that they are millions of years old. While certain lamp features may lose popularity, a crystal will always be stylish. Each healing crystal lamp on this list has a unique shape with modern elegance that fits in with today's fashion trends perfectly.

Would an ordinary table lamp have that same guarantee?

Which Healing Crystal Lamp Turns On Your Inner Light?

Whether you're looking for something with a nice, ambient light, or you're after a powerful crystal that can elevate you mentally, emotionally and spiritually, this list has a healing crystal lamp that will suit your needs. Whichever lamp you choose, ensure you keep it cleansed regularly. This even applies to self-cleansers—while it's true, a Selenite lamp (or a Quartz lamp) doesn't store energy, these healing crystal lamps will be doing a lot of energy work. Keep them in prime condition!

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