In today’s day and age, talk of crystals tends to be only of their positive benefits and what they can do for the mind, body, and spirit. Some crystals bring wealth, others bring love, and a great many provide protection against malicious energy.
But are there any negative stones?
Gemstone superstitions have been around for as long as gemstones themselves, but categorizing certain stones as ‘bad luck crystals’ just seems plain wrong. Crystals are here to help us heal, grow, and follow our dreams. However, let’s not completely rule out the negative side effects of crystals.
If a crystal isn’t working for you, it could be for several reasons. Most likely it boils down to one of the following:
It’s worth noting that some crystals can be toxic if placed in water. Drinking an elixir made from one of these would certainly result in bad luck, but what about the real gemstone superstitions? Are there any negative stones according to myths, legends, and history?
Bad Luck Crystals
The daddy of bad luck crystals, opal was considered the opposite by the Romans and the medieval populations of Europe. Even today, opal is often considered a stone of good luck, so what gives?
Perhaps the myths of opal’s connection to misfortune started in the 12th century, during the black plague. As the plague ravished Europe, many people died, and it’s said that if the person was wearing opal when they perished, then the stone drained of all its color. While these may have been the first gemstone superstitions regarding opal, they certainly weren’t the last.

In the early 19th century, Sir Walter Scott wrote the book, Anne of Geierstein, in which Lady Hermione wore a beautiful opal in her hair. After the opal comes into contact with holy water, it loses all its sheen. Not long after, Lady Hermione dies and is reduced to a pile of ashes. Accusations spread that she was a demon—and it’s here where the spark in opal’s association with evil regained public interest.
A mere fifty years later, King Alfonso XII of Spain gifted his grandmother an opal ring. The woman passed shortly after, so the king gave the ring to his sister instead. She died too, and then he passed the ring on to his sister-in-law. It wasn’t a long time after she received the opal ring that she died as well! It would have been reasonable to consider the opal cursed and discard it, but King Alfonso XII had other ideas. He wore the ring himself and passed away shortly before his 28th birthday.
Talk about gemstone superstitions! If people weren’t already wary of opal, then it gets worse. Around the late 19th / early 20th century, a myth began that opal brought misfortune to all those who wore it that were not born in October. It’s also said that diamonds negate the misfortune of opal and the two should be worn together to avoid bad luck. These beliefs were likely perpetuated by diamond sellers who wanted to carve a slice of the market for themselves as opal was the in crystal to wear at the time. Queen Victoria of England didn’t let the rumors faze her though—she had a vast collection of opals.
Another thing said of opals is that they should never be given or received as gifts, or they will bring ill luck.
Similarly to opal, a pearl is thought to bring sorrow and sadness if received as a gift. A gift to the bride on her wedding day will set the marriage up for failure and start the marital life with tears.
In ancient Japan, it was believed that pearls were the crystallized tears of mermaids, while in ancient Greece, they were thought to be the tears of the gods. In Victorian England, pearls were worn in times of mourning, representing human tears.
It’s no wonder that gemstone superstitions have grown around pearl gifts.
Throughout history, turquoise has been used to practice alchemy and even necromancy. Some people suggest that turquoise has been tainted and is in the category of bad luck crystals because of this. It’s often associated with corruption and decay.

There are other gemstone superstitions regarding turquoise too. If its blue color changes dramatically, it is said to be a warning to the wearer that danger awaits…
Other Gemstone Superstitions
According to legend, never give an emerald on a Monday or it will bring bad luck instead of good.
The shade of coral turns pale if the wearer faces ill health, but it’s said to return to its original state if there’s a full recovery.
In India, black diamonds are said to be harbingers of death. They are thought to represent the eye of a snake.
Sanskrit texts are also adamant that blue diamonds should be avoided for medical purposes.
So there are lots of gemstone superstitions that can put people off certain crystals, but in general, these have to be tallied up to either coincidence or one of the aforementioned reasons. If a crystal has absorbed some particularly nasty energy, it can manifest in several ways, regardless of the actual crystal itself.

One of the main things crystals teach us is that we make our luck. We are controllers of our destiny, and crystals are tools to help guide the way by giving us focus and clarity. Luck is the apparent symptom of working with specific crystals, but in reality, luck is an illusion. Attracting success, love, or wealth comes from within. Crystals help you tap into your inner power but they have no moral compass of their own.
This train of thought frees you from the worries of potential bad luck and places the ability to have good luck firmly in your hands.